Thursday, January 24, 2013

Now that I've Grown

The hoods have their different lessons to learn from–childhood, teenage, puberty, maturity and adulthood. I 've had it all –the goodest, baddest, and the ugliest but yet to get the best. At a particular stage, I used to read books, view movies and listen to stories maybe to just grab it; but now I found out that the whole ideology, concept and perspective towards all that has completely changed. Whether it’s a book, movie or story (gist); I would try as much as possible to learn one thing at least from it.

Someone who averagely knows me would accept the fact that I do argue whenever the need arises. Mom would say “I knew that you will argue”. For me, that is just a clear sign of mind-maturity. As a teenager, one has to only accept everything; go on with every quotable quotes. It is different now. I would not accept all quotes and I would just not go with your opinion. This is because I believe that in every issue bothering on whether the society, groups or an individual, people should have their personal opinion about it. Sincerely I would come into your discussion if and only if I have an idea about such issue.  But it’s hard in a society where people wants theirs and only theirs opinion to be final.  They do not subscribe to others who may express a bit of discomfort. Are we not democratic? Look! I’m not one of those guys whom you can just bring up a cooked methodology to the table and think I’d just give a clap to it. For Heaven sake, time and situation changes; so does people and philosophy. Though I’m very optimistic; I do not rule out the possibility of risk. People do say “opportunity comes but once” but me I say “no”. Opportunity come ample times but disguised.
What about hope? Don’t confuse me about it. Hope is just as faith. Just as “faith without work is dead”, hope without plan is unrealistic. You can spend days, weeks, months and years to think (“hope”); script it above your bed to see your vision every morning as you awake. If there’s no practical step aiming at it; sorry its just but a mirage. I never said it is wrong to be hopeful, all I’m saying is “don’t let the “hope” thing get you lazy and you just believe that manna would just fall from above. Hope requires a pragmatic plan of action.

Believe me I now realize why I loved Obama’s campaign unconsciously against all odds. Hey, I have read “The Audacity of Hope” and another of his work. They are both inspiring but that isn’t it. After all, there are many other good authors. Only that the theme of his campaign wasn’t something like “We Hope we can” or “There’s hope for America”. “Yes! We can” is practical. Every individual could also say “Yes! I can”. It is such a push that moves the inner-man.

What a sentimental society filled with eye-services? Workplace, religious groups, families, politics even among buddies and so on; everyone is just acting on sentiments. Please, I and others like me are not just comfortable.

Hope I did not terrorize your mind. If I did, make your view public too.

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